IP Scanning

IP Scanning is a specialized vulnerability assessment where we test your IP to diagnose and identify any loopholes or weaknesses in your IP address that may provide hackers or malicious software with an opening to penetrate your network. With a thorough scan, An IT Bridge ensures the security of your IP address.

Identify Open Ports.
Secure Your Network.

Your Internet Protocol (IP) address may be prone to hacking attempts and malware intrusion. IP scan allows you to identify such weaknesses.

Discover Vulnerable Ports
Thorough IP scanning enables you to identify open and vulnerable ports in your network giving you enough time to block them to close any unwanted communication through them.
Preempt Cyber Threats
Once you’ve discovered all the vulnerabilities associated with your IP address, you are in a much better position to review the nature of risks and make informed decisions to curb cybersecurity threats.
Establish Secure Network
By patching up all the critical vulnerabilities and blocking risky network ports, you provide enhanced security to your network by keeping out malware and undesired hacking attempts.
Comprehensive Reporting
An IT Bridge provides regular IP scanning for your business to keep up the security and prepares a precise but informative reporting summary to outline potential threats and weaknesses in your IP address.
An IT Bridge is
the Right Choice
  • Thorough testing of your IP addresses to identify weaknesses
  • Combination of automatic and manual evaluation for accurate results
  • Team of sought after experienced cybersecurity professionals
  • Get timely help from pristine customer and technical support
  • Comprehensive report highlighting all the risks with classifications